Olive Garden Recipes

The official website is your one-stop shop for all your favorite Olive Garden recipes! Whether you’re looking to browse recipes, search for a specific recipe, or even check out cooking videos, Olive Garden is here to help. The website is divided into three sections. Featured

How to Understand and Get The Most Out of OG’s Menu

With more than 700 branches operating on a global level, it is a naturally understood fact if you’re not able to comprehend the Olive Garden menu. For employees, the company has a separate work management tool and is commonly known as KrowD Darden. These tools

Mistakes to Avoid While Cooking Pasta

More than 30% of Americans have pasta every week so it’s important that we learn how to properly cook pasta! Most people prefer pasta cooked al dente which means the pasta is firm, not hard, and offers some “bite” to it. KROWD Darden is used

Accommodative Menu

I have been to restaurants and I have tasted almost every item on offer, breakfast, lunch, or dinner, at almost every restaurant in town. Do not worry, being still not married, I have the opportunity to move around as I do not often cook in